A guide to the best travel sneaker is here. Like most women, I love a great pair of shoes. I love them even better when they are cute and comfortable.
With so many brands promoting white sneakers, it could be hard to figure out which pair to go with. When looking for a good pair of white sneakers, you want to ensure they are comfortable, durable and match your budget. In addition, you want to make sure they will last and won’t look worn after a few wears.
Budget-Friendly Sneakers
1. Adidas – Stan Smith Sneakers $80

These Adidas have been around for at least 50 years. The level of comfort definitely is worth the price of $80 and makes them one of the best travel sneakers. I really like these sneakers because they are extremely comfortable. I had to go down a half size in them but overall, they are great shoes. I’ve worn these to work on casual days and with dresses on the weekend. The upper leather is easy to clean but does show signs of wear after a few wears. It’s the perfect sneaker for a walking in Europe with a cute sundress.
2. Nike Air Force 1 Triple White Sneakers $75

I remember having a pair of Air Force 1s in high school and college so I was amazed to see them come back in style. Although I have not quite pulled the trigger on getting a pair, I see so many women rocking these sneakers with athleisure, dresses and trousers. The leather is a bit harder than the Stan Smith sneakers. But for $75, I think they are worth trying. For the price tag and sturdiness, these are a great travel sneaker.
3. Greats – The Royale Sneakers $179

This brand is fairly new. It was founded in 2014. The idea of this brand is to give you luxury without breaking the bank. I like this brand because of its premium Italian leather without the markup. Also, because of the high-quality materials, you can wear them a lot without immediate signs of wear. If you don’t want to spend $400 on a similar shoe, this $179 price tag is definitely the better option. For the price tag, these sneakers are worth adding to the best category of best travel sneaker.
4. Frye Ivy Low Lace Sneakers $198

Frye is probably one of the most comfortable brand of shoes I’ve worn. As for the best travel shoe, the comfort and style makes this a winner. I was excited to see that they have white minimalist sneakers. With shoes by Frye, you don’t have to break them in. There is instant comfort. This brand has been around for 150 years and has mastered creating comfortable shoes. This are perfect sneakers for walking in Amsterdam during a relaxing city vacation.
5. M. Gemi – The Palestra Minimo Sneakers $198

I recently found the brand M. Gemi. I own a couple of pairs of their pointy-toe flats and I love them! The quality of this brand is great! I was excited to see that they have basic white sneakers. M. Gemi usually have decent sales. They are currently on sale for $145.
6. Alexander McQueen – Oversized Sneakers $490

Alexander McQueen sneakers have been everywhere. If you’re willing to pull the trigger on these lovely sneakers, I won’t judge. I love the fact that they combine an old Stan Smith vibe with the thicker sole. This shoe is definitely a luxury shoe with a luxury price tag. The retail price tag is $490 – $650 depending on the color. Net-a-porter has them on sale. A couple of pairs were on sale for $336. The leather (100% calfskin) is definitely great quality which usually means you will go a while without signs of wear.
7. Golden Goose Superstar Sneakers

Golden Goose is another luxury brand sneaker that has hit the scene with a bang! Every influencer is spotted with these sneakers. I love the fact that they have the distressed look which means a little bit of dirt won’t hurt these one bit. They retail for about $495.