So, I don’t think I was mentally and physically ready for the weather in Singapore. Let me first say….It is HOT AND HUMID in Singapore! I wrote about how we spent 24 hours in Singapore here. But lets talk about what you should be wearing while in Singapore. I don’t want you to make the same mistake I made while there. If you hadn’t figured it out or if I haven’t said it enough…Singapore is HOT and HUMID!! It’s very close to the equator. It is always hot and humid (see, I said it again)! I struggled a bit when we first got there because of the humidity. A few hours later, I was much better.
Looking back I wish I had more comfortable clothing that wick away sweat because sista girl was SWEATING LOL! Considering it’s so hot, make sure you identify the types of material that you’re comfortable in during the summer months. For example, I know rayon and polyester are two types of fabric I never wear during the summer because they aren’t “breathable” fabrics, in my opinion. Cotton is usually my go to for summer months.
Can’t Go Wrong with Lululemon
Lululemon is my go-to for athleisure, but I know they can be a bit pricey. But, I do like the fabric they use for their clothing. Pima cotton is my all time favorite fabric during the summer months. So I found a few looks made from Pima cotton which is breathable and soft against the skin. The other fabric is called Flowing fabric which feels smooth against your skin; in my opinion it’s breathable.
Lou and Grey in Singapore
I don’t know anyone that isn’t into athleisure, but I’m sure there are some out there. If you are still looking for a less athletic look and still want to wear more chic attire with a little bit of casual flare while in Singapore, Lou and Grey never fails. To me, they are reasonably priced and their clothing is super comfortable. I literally leave Lou and Grey feeling like I need the whole store. They have great selections. They have a travel line that I like as well. These are my favorite looks. I really love a cute shirtdress so I put both colors in this post. Oh and anything with pockets!!! I will wear it! Pockets make everything better!
So, if ever in Singapore, don’t be afraid to wear more casual clothing. If you love humid and hot weather then you will be fine. But for those like myself who don’t thrive well in humid weather, take it from me. You will want to be comfortable.
But, not only are these looks great for Singapore, they are looks that are great for the summer period! And of course, a casual white sneaker goes well with any look whether it’s athleisure or a more casual/chic look.
Has anyone been to Singapore? How did you adjust to the humidity? What did you find yourself most comfortable wearing?
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